Not checked Yoshio Suzuki

Standard form: Yosh.Suzuki

Author LSID:

Country: Japan
Organization: Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute, Hyogo

Flourished around: 2008

IPNI ID: 20020697-2

New names

Futabanthus Mas.Takah., E.M.Friis, Uesugi, Yosh.Suzuki et P.R.Crane 2008

Futabanthus asamigawaensis Mas.Takah., E.M.Friis, Uesugi, Yosh.Suzuki et P.R.Crane 2008

Citations in Fossil Plant Names

Takahashi, M., Friis, E. M., Uesugi, K., Suzuki, Y. & Crane, P. R. (2008): Floral Evidence of Annonaceae from the Late Cretaceous of Japan. – Int. J. Pl. Sci. 169(7): 908–917.


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