Natalya Vladimirovna Nosova
Alternative spelling: Носова Наталья Владимировна
Standard form: Nosova
Author LSID:
Country: Russia
Organization: Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg
Main area of interest: Mesozoic floras
New names
Phoenicopsis anadyrensis Nosova in Zolina, Golovneva, Nosova & Grabovskiy 2020
Phoenicopsis chukotkensis Nosova in Nosova, Herman, Grabovskiy & Kostina 2020
Citations in Fossil Plant Names
Nosova, N. V. (2024): New findings of the Ginkgoales in the Middle Jurassic of the East European platform. – Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 331: 1–16.
Nosova, N. V., Herman, Grabovskiy & Kostina (2020): Cretaceous Phoenicopsis Heer (Leptostrobales): A new species and a geological history of the genus. – Cretac. Res. 116: 104578 (16 pp.).
Zolina, A. A., Golovneva, L. B., Nosova, N. V. & Grabovskiy, A. A. (2020): A new species of Phoenicopsis (Leptostrobales) from the Maastrichtian–Danian of Chukotka, Russia. – Geobios (Lyon) 63: 67–75.
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