Julien Legrand

Standard form: J.Legrand

Author LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:auth:470

Country: Japan
Organization: Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University, Tokyo

Flourished around: 2018

New names

Nilssoniopteris oishii Tosh.Yamada, J.Legrand et H.Nishida in Yamada, Nishida & Legrand 2009

Otozamites toshioensoi Tosh.Yamada, J.Legrand et H.Nishida 2018

Citations in Fossil Plant Names

Yamada, T., Yamada, T. F., Terada, K., Ohsawa, Takeshi A., Yabe, A., Legrand, J., Uemura, K., Leppe, M., Hinojosa, F. L., López-Sepúlveda, P. & Nishida, H. (2019): Sueria laxinervis, a new fossil species of Cycadales from the Upper Cretaceous Quiriquina Formation in Cocholgüe, Bíobío Region, Chile. – Phytotaxa 402(2): 126–130.

Yamada, T., Legrand, J. & Nishida, H. (2018): Late Early Cretaceous (Albian) Sasayama Flora from the Sasayama Group in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. – Paleontol. Res. 22(2): 112–128.

Yamada, T., Nishida, H. & Legrand, J. (2009): Structurally preserved Nilssoniopteris from the Arida Formation (Barremian, Lower Cretaceous) of southwest Japan. – Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 156: 410–417.


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