Charles Léo Lesquereux
Standard form: Lesq.
Author LSID:
*1806 - †1889
IPNI ID: 22261-1
New names
Carpites cordiformis Lesq. 1892
Hedera marginata Lesq. 1883
Lepidostrobus oblongifolius Lesq. 1870
Myrica aspera Lesq. 1892
Pistia corrugata Lesq. 1876
Platanus dissecta Lesq. 1878
Citations in Fossil Plant Names
Lesquereux, C. L. (1892): The flora of the Dakota Group: A posthumous work. – Monogr. U.S. Geol. Surv. 17: 1–400, 66 pls.
Lesquereux, C. L. (1883): Contributions to the fossil flora of the Western Territories III. The Cretaceous and Tertiary floras. – Rep. U. S. Geol. Geol. Surv. Territ. 8: 1–283.
Lesquereux, C. L. (1878): Report on the fossil plants of the auriferous gravel deposits of the Sierra Nevada. – Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 6(2): 1–62, 10 pls.
Lesquereux, C. L. (1878): Contributions to the fossil flora of the western Territories. Part II. The Tertiary flora. – Rep. U. S. Geol. Geol. Surv. Territ. 7: 1–366, 65 pls.
Lesquereux, C. L. (1876): On the Tertiary flora of the North American lignitic, considered as evidence of the age of the formation. – Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Geogr. Surv. Territories [8]: 271–365, pls 1–8.
Lesquereux, C. L. (1870): Report on the fossil plants of Illinois. Geological Survey of Illinois: 377–508.
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