Bulletin of Geosciences
Abbreviation: Bull. Geosci.
Publisher: Czech Geological Survey, W. Bohemia Museum Pilsen
ISSN: 1214-1119
ISSN (online): 1802-8225
Web: http://www.geology.cz/bulletin/
Citations in Fossil Plant Names
Opluštil, S., Bek, J. & Drábková, J. (2009): Anew bisporangiate lycopsid cone genus Thomasostrobus gen. nov. from the Late Pennsylvanian of the Intra-Sudetic Basin (Czech Republic). – Bull. Geosci. 84(2): 283–300.
Opluštil, S. & Bek, J. (2009): Some Pennsylvanian arborescent lycopsid cones and their microspores from the British coalfields. – Bull. Geosci. 84(2): 203–226.
Popa, M. E. & Pšenička, J. (2010): The Pennsylvanian Pecopteris ticleanui sp. nov. from Secu, Reșiţa Basin, Romania. – Bull. Geosci. 85(4): 663–670.
Kvaček, J. (2013): Pinus landsbergensis sp. nov., new pine from the Cenomanian of the Czech Republic. – Bull. Geosci. 88(4): 829–836.
Bek, J., Opluštil, S., Drábková, J. & Pšenička, J. (2015): The sub-arborescent lycopsid Omphalophloios feistmantelii (O. Feistmantel) comb. nov. emend. from the Middle Pennsylvanian of the Czech Republic. – Bull. Geosci. 90(1): 227–279.
Pšenička, J. & Krings, M. (2015): First record of the noncalcareous macroalga Perissothallus from shallow-water deposits (Pennsylvanian) in the Kladno-Rakovník Basin, Czech Republic. – Bull. Geosci. 91(online)(1): 57–64.
Peel, J. S. (2018): An epiphytacean-Girvanella (Cyanobacteria) symbiosis from the Cambrian (Series 3; Drumian) of North Greenland (Laurentia). – Bull. Geosci. 93(3): 327–336.
Pšenička, J., Bek, J. & Nelson, W. J. (2024): Lepidostrobus willardii sp. nov. and its spores from the Lower Pennsylvanian of the Illinois Basin, USA. – Bull. Geosci. 99(3): 203–2018.
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