Abbreviation: Geobios (Lyon)
Publisher: Elsevier
ISSN: 0016-6995
ISSN (online): 1777-5728
Citations in Fossil Plant Names
Bodnar, J., Morel, E. M., Coturel, E. P. & Ganuza, D. G. (2020): New plant fossil records and biostratigraphic analysis from the Uspallata Group (Late Triassic) at Cacheuta Hill, Cuyo Basin, west-central Argentina. – Geobios (Lyon) 60: 3–27.
Zolina, A. A., Golovneva, L. B., Nosova, N. V. & Grabovskiy, A. A. (2020): A new species of Phoenicopsis (Leptostrobales) from the Maastrichtian–Danian of Chukotka, Russia. – Geobios (Lyon) 63: 67–75.
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