Escapia Rothwell, Millay et Stockey

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN001043


Authors: G. W. Rothwell, M. A. Millay & R. A. Stockey

Rank: genus

Reference for this name: Rothwell, G. W., Millay, M. A. & Stockey, R. A. (2018): Escapia gen. nov.: morphological evolution, paleogeographic diversification, and the environmental distribution of marattialean ferns through time. in Krings, M., Harper, C. L., Cuneo, N. R., Rothwell, G. W. (eds): Transformative paleobotany. Papers to commemorate the life and legacy of Thomas N. Taylor. Elsevier: 271–360.

Page of description: 272


Escapia christensenioides Rothwell, Millay et Stockey

Original diagnosis/description

Pinnules with repeatedly dichotomizing veins, with round to oval, sessile synangia. Sporangia elongate, exannulate, surrounding a parenchymatous area in basal half; laterally confluent prior to dehiscence except at apex. Sporangial tips with small, solidly cellular extension. Sporangial cavities
largest basally, tapering only slightly acropetally. Outer sporangial walls forming uniformly thick synangial wall; free portion of inner-facing sporangial walls thin, tapering to central midline. Dehiscence by sporangial separation in distal half of synangium and rupture of elongate cells occupying central midline of inner-facing sporangial walls. Spores bilateral, monolete, with thin, loose perispore.


The generic name Escapia is proposed to honor Dr. Ignacio Escapa, CONICET, Museo Paleontólogico Egidio Feruglio, Trelew, Argentina, for his reinterpretation of the extinct genus Marattiopsis, and his insights into marattialean evolution and phylogeny.

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood

Names associated with genus

Escapia christensenioides Rothwell, Millay et Stockey 2018


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