Paraconcavistylon Manchester et Judd in Manchester, Kvaček & Judd

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN001082


Authors: S. R. Manchester & W. S. Judd

Rank: genus

Reference for this name: Manchester, S. R., Kvaček, Z. & Judd, W. S. (2020): Morphology, anatomy, phylogeny and distribution of fossil and extant Trochodendraceae in the Northern Hemisphere. – Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 195(online): 467–484.

Page of description: 484


Concavistylon wehrii Manchester, Pigg et DeVore in Manchester, Pigg, Kvaček, DeVore & Dillhoff

Original diagnosis/description

Infructescence a pendent raceme; axillary on vegetative twig. Fruits capsular, 5–7 mm wide, 5–6 mm high; pedicels short, equal in length, curved uniformly away from infructescence apex. Styles persistent, four, five or six (variable), arising subequatorially, curving toward the fruit apex; elliptical nectary bulge beneath each style. Capsules smooth, with a basal thickening and whorl of perianth scars above the junction with pedicel. Dehiscence apical, with separation initiating (topographically) immediately above each style and joining on the ovary roof to form a four-, five-, or six-rayed star-like opening. Twig bearing simple leaves in alternate and spiral arrangement. Terminal bud elongate, apically pointed; axillary buds free (not enclosed by petiole base), Petiole short in relation to lamina length (c. 10%). Lamina obovate, margin serrate with regularly spaced rounded, glandular, teeth. Venation pinnate with a straight midvein and eight to 15 pairs of brochidodromous secondary veins. Intersecondary veins absent. Tertiary and higher-order veins forming an irregular mesh. Adaxial cuticle smooth, cells polygonal, anticlinal walls straight to slightly curved, almost equally sized, abaxial cuticle showing rounded-oval stomata; stomatal ledges thick, bordering the broadly oval aperture and not reaching to the poles. Trichome bases lacking on both abaxial and adaxial cuticles.

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood

Names associated with genus

Paraconcavistylon wehrii (Manchester, Pigg et DeVore) Manchester et Judd in Manchester, Kvaček & Judd 2020



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