Osmundopsis zunigai Coturel, Bodnar, E.M.Morel, Ganuza, Sagasti et M.Beltrán
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN001125
Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:1125
Authors: E. P. Coturel, J. Bodnar, E. M. Morel, D. G. Ganuza, A. J. Sagasti & M. Beltrán
Rank: species
Reference for this name: Coturel, E. P., Bodnar, J., Morel, E. M., Ganuza, D. G., Sagasti, A. J. & Beltrán, M. (2018): New species of osmundaceous fertile leaves from the upper Triassic of Argentina. – Acta Palaeobotanica 58(2): 107–119.
Page of description: 110
Illustrations or figures: pls 1, 2
Original diagnosis/description
Fertile bipinnate leaf with striated main rachis. Pinnae with a slender, longitudinally striated secondary rachis, bearing widely separate, opposite to subopposite pinnules inserted at acute to right angles. Pinnules short, falcate, attached along the entire width of the base, with entire margins and rounded apex, and a reduced lamina showing a conspicuous midvein. Sporangia loosely disposed in clusters of four or five on the abaxial side. Sporangia wedge- to heart-shaped, shortly stalked, with cells of the apical region thickened, and a vertical dehiscence slit. Spores laevigate trilete.
The specific name is dedicated to Lic. Adolfo Zuñiga, who was Curator of the Palaeobotanical Collection between 1988 and 2015.
Triassic, Upper Triassic, Carnian
EPII, Potrerillos Formation
Puesto Míguez locality, Cacheuta Hill, Mendoza Province
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
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