Tricarinella Savoretti, Bippus, Stockey, Rothwell et Tomescu

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN001137


Authors: A. Savoretti, A. C. Bippus, R. A. Stockey, G. W. Rothwell & A. M. F. Tomescu

Rank: genus

Reference for this name: Savoretti, A., Bippus, A. C., Stockey, R. A., Rothwell, G. W. & Tomescu, A. M. F. (2018): Grimmiaceae in the Early Cretaceous: Tricarinella crassiphylla gen. et sp. nov. and the value of anatomically preserved bryophytes. – Annals of Botany 121(7): 1275–1286.

Page of description: 1276


Tricarinella crassiphylla Savoretti, Bippus, Stockey, Rothwell et Tomescu

Original diagnosis/description

Gametophyte three-dimensionally branched. Stem terete basally, triquetrous distally; central strand present. Phyllotaxis tristichous, helical. Leaves lanceolate, keeled. Costa homogeneous. Lamina entirely bistratose at leaf base, bistratose sectors adjacent to costa distally, marginal sectors unistratose. Bistratose sectors taper apically; lamina unistratose in apical half of leaf. Lamina cells sinuous near leaf base.


Tricarinella for the strongly three-edged profile of the shoot, which is due to strongly keeled three-ranked leaves (tri = three; carina = keel; the suffix -ella signifies a diminutive, for the small size of the gametophyte).

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood

Names associated with genus

Tricarinella crassiphylla Savoretti, Bippus, Stockey, Rothwell et Tomescu 2018


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