Concavistylon kvacekii Manchester, Pigg et DeVore

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000102


Authors: S. R. Manchester, K. B. Pigg & M. L. DeVore

Rank: species

Genus: Concavistylon Manchester, Pigg et DeVore

Reference for this name: Manchester, S. R., Pigg, K. B. & DeVore, M. L. (2018): Trochodendraceous fruits and foliage in the Miocene of western North America. – Fossil Imprint 74(1–2): 45–54.

Page of description: 48

Illustrations or figures: text-fig. 3a–k

Name is type for

Concavistylon Manchester, Pigg et DeVore 2018


Holotype UCMP 151875, University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, USA
Figures: text-fig. 3a

Original diagnosis/description

Infructescence axis relatively stout, pedicels very short, or fruits subsessile. Capsules 4 to 6 carpellate; styles persistent, concave toward the fruit apex.


This species is named in honor of our friend, Zlatko Kvaček, recognizing his many contributions to paleobotany as well as his participation in the investigation of other fossil Trochodendraceae from western North America.


Neogene, Miocene
Middle Miocene
Type horizon: Little Butte Volcanic Series


United States
Moose Mountain near Cascadia, Oregon

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood


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