Amersinia Manchester, P.R.Crane et Golovn.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN001214


Authors: S. R. Manchester, P. R. Crane & L. B. Golovneva

Rank: genus

Reference for this name: Manchester, S. R., Crane, P. R. & Golovneva, L. B. (1999): An extinct genus with affinities to extant Davidia and Camptotheca (Cornales) from the Paleocene of North America and Eastern Asia. – International Journal of Plant Sciences 160(1): 188–207., link

Page of description: 189


Amersinia obtrullata Manchester, P.R.Crane et Golovn.

Original diagnosis/description

Infructescence, a globose to ellipsoidal head, 21–25 mm diameter, bearing numerous trilocular (less commonly, tetralocular) fruits. Peduncle 9–13 mm long, 1.5–2 mm thick, broadened to 3–4.5 mm at a cycle of bract scars 2–6 mm (average 3.5 mm) below base of the fruit-bearing portion. Capitular receptacle 5–6 mm wide, 11–12 mm long. Fruits three (to rarely four) locular, obtrullate to oblong in longitudinal outline, rounded triangular (to rarely rounded quadrangular) in transverse outline, base rounded to truncate, apex obtuse rounded, with a terminal protuberance formed by the recurved persistent calyx surrounding a central pulvinate disk from which three style arms diverge. Each carpel with a dorsal germination valve in the apical one-third of the fruit. Locules longitudinally elongate, each with a single seed.


Amer- (referring to the United States) plus sinia (referring to China), based upon the apparent end points of its geographic distribution.

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood

Names associated with genus

Amersinia obtrullata Manchester, P.R.Crane et Golovn. 1999


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