Baragwanathia brevifolia P.Kraft et Kvaček nom. illeg.
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000015
Rank: species
Illegitimate name, non Baragwanathia brevifolia Hundt, Jahrb. Kreismus. Hohenleuben-Reichenfels, 2: 28 (1952)
Reference for this name: Kraft, P. & Kvaček, Z. (2017): Where the lycophytes come from? – A piece of the story from the Silurian of peri-Gondwana. – Gondwana Research 45: 180–190., link
Page of description: 183
Illustrations or figures: figs 3A, B, D, F–J, 4A–C
Replacement name
Baragwanathia brevifolioides P.Kraft et Kvaček 2021
Holotype KR 1, Czech Geological Survey, Prague, the Czech Republic
Figures: figs 3A, B, D, F–J, 4A–C
Original diagnosis/description
Slender axes bearing subtle, linear and moderately long microphylls, uniform in dense arrangement, truncate or rounded at tips showing a median midrib. Branching of stems isotomous. Apices of axes enfolded in a dense tuft of upward facing microphylls.
After short microphylls.
Silurian, Pridoli, Požáry formation
Neocolonograptus ultimus Biozone
Czech Republic
Karlštejn – Ve Spáleném (near the house no.132), central Bohemia
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
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