Dicotylophyllum expansolobum Upchurch et Dilcher
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN001493
Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:1493
Authors: G. R. Upchurch & D. L. Dilcher
Rank: species
Reference for this name: Upchurch, G. R., Jr. & Dilcher, D. L. (1990): Cenomanian angiosperm leaf megafossils from the Rose Creek locality of the Dakota Formation, southeastern Nebraska. – Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey 1915: 1–55, 31 pls., link
Page of description: 48
Illustrations or figures: text-fig. 25, pl. 31
Holotype UF15713-8304, 8304', Paleobotany Collections, Florida Museum of Natural History, Gainesville, Florida, USA
Figures: text-fig. 25, pl. 31
Note: Holotype is formed by part and counterpart.
Original diagnosis/description
Leaf simple, five-lobed; lobes all diverging at approximately the same level on the leaf; each lobe widest above the base; margin with minute teeth that are difficult to see without magnification. Primary venation basally palmate; primary veins 5, stout/massive.
Emended diagnosis
Wang and Dilcher (2018: Palaeont. Electr., 21(3): 34):
Leaf simple, irregularly fivelobed, margin toothed near apex of lobes, serrations minute, simple. Petiole long and thin, enlarged both distally and proximally. Primary venation basal actinodromous. Secondary venation predominately brochidodromous or semicraspedodromous when margin is toothed near apex; typically, one series of loops present in the excostal region if margin is entire; secondary veins below sinus and between adjacent primary veins forming inverted ‘V’ pattern. Intersecondary veins common, composite. Tertiary and quaternary veins orthogonal reticulate, forming predominately quadrangular meshes.
Latin, expansus = spread out, and lobus =lobe, referring to the expansion of the lobes above their base.
Cretaceous, Upper Cretaceous, Cenomanian
Dakota Formation
United States
Rose Creek I locality, Nebraska [locality name according to Wang and Dilcher (2018: Palaeont. Electr., 21(3): 35]
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
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