Araliaephyllum luciferum (Krysht.) Golovn.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN001522


Author: L. B. Golovneva

Rank: species

Basionym: Aralia lucifera Krysht.


Reference for this name: Golovneva, L. B. (2018): Diversity of palmately lobed leaves in the early–middle Albian of eastern Russia. – Cretaceous Research 84: 18–31.

Page of description: 23

Illustrations or figures: figs 6 (c, e, f, h)

Types for basionym

Syntype 3013, F. N. Chernyshev Central Geological Research Museum (TSNIGRM), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Figures: pl. LVIII, figs 1, 2

Note: There are at least four specimens (syntypes) in the collection numbered by Kryshtofovich (1929) 1–4 and 1a in the text.

[inventory number and repository name according to Golovneva (2018: Cretac. Res., 84: 23)]

Lectotype 3013/1, F. N. Chernyshev Central Geological Research Museum (TSNIGRM), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
designated in Golovneva, L. B. (2018): Diversity of palmately lobed leaves in the early–middle Albian of eastern Russia. – Cretac. Res. 84: 18–31. on page 23
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002702
Figures: fig. 6C

Original diagnosis/description

Aralia foliis membranaceis, minutis, ad 3,4 cm. longis et 2,6 cm. latis, petiolulatis, basi attenuatis, trilobatis; lobis distante acute et adpresse-serratis, sinubus angustis, ima basi paullo dilatatis, separatis, triplinervis; nervis lateralibus paullo suprabasiliaribus.

Emended diagnosis

Golovneva (2018: Cretac. Res., 84: 23):
Leaves trilobate, fan-shaped, ovate or rounded in outline, with cuneate, decurrent near the petiole, base, and serrate margin; teeth small, adpressed; apices of lobes acute or rounded; lobe length equal to 1/4–1/2 of blade length; lateral lobes shorter and narrower, usually directed to the top; sinuses between lobes shallow and narrow, with rounded apices; venation palmate; lateral basal veins slightly curved, diverging from the midvein at an angle of 20–35° in 3–5 mm above leaf margin.


Cretaceous, Lower Cretaceous, Albian
Severosuchan Formation, loweremiddle Albian

[stratigraphy according to Golovneva (2018: Cretac. Res., 84: 23)]


Russian Federation
Left bank of Sitza river, Novo-Veselaja village, Partizansk (formerly Suchan), Primorye territory

[as Suchan in Kryshtofovich (1929: Izv. Geol. Komit., 48(9): 1360)]

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood


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