Austrovideira dettmannae Rozefelds et M.R.Pace
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN001541
Authors: A. C. Rozefelds & M. R. Pace
Rank: species
Genus: Austrovideira Rozefelds et M.R.Pace
Reference for this name: Rozefelds, A. C. & Pace, M. R. (2018): The first record of fossil Vitaceae wood from the Southern Hemisphere, a new combination for Vitaceoxylon ramunculiformis, and reappraisal of the fossil record of the grape family (Vitaceae) from the Cenozoic of Australia. – Journal of Systematics and Evolution 56(4): 283–296.
Page of description: 285
Illustrations or figures: figs 2, 3
Name is type for
Austrovideira Rozefelds et M.R.Pace 2018
Holotype QMF58646, Queensland Museum, Australia
Figures: figs 2, 3
Original diagnosis/description
Vessel elements diffuse to semi-ring porous (Figs. 2A, 2B), with vessels in two diameter classes (Fig. 2B), wider vessels generally solitary (Fig. 2B), and narrow vessels in radial multiples. Intervessel pitting scalariform (Fig. 2E). Rays tall (Fig. 2C), homocellular composed of exclusively procumbent cells (Fig. 2D). Bark tessellated, fissured, vertically oriented (Fig. 3A), secondary phloem has a clear stratified structure, with fibre bands alternating with the other axial elements (Figs. 3B–3D).
The species is named for Mary E. Dettmann in recognition of her significant contributions in documenting the Cenozoic and Mesozoic floras of Australia.
Unnamed sedimentary unit associated with Cenozoic basalts.
Silcrete flora, near Capella, Queensland.
Plant fossil remain
fossil wood
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