Actinodaphnoxylon Akkemik et Mantz. in Akkemik, Mantzouka, Tunç & Koçbulut
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN001578
Authors: Ü. Akkemik & D. Mantzouka
Rank: genus
Reference for this name: Akkemik, Ü., Mantzouka, D., Tunç, U. & Koçbulut, F. (2021): The first paleoxylotomical evidence from the Mid-Eocene Climate Optimum from Turkey. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 285: 104356 (20 pp.).
Page of description: 8
Actinodaphnoxylon zileensis Akkemik et Mantz. in Akkemik, Mantzouka, Tunç & Koçbulut
Original diagnosis/description
Growth ring boundaries absent, wood diffuse porous, vessels predominantly in radial multiples up to 7 vessels, and clusters present. Ratio of vessels in groups 92%. Solitary vessels very rare (8%). Tyloses common. Pits on vessels alternate, and sometimes scalariform-like pits present in vessel-ray pit areas. Vessel frequency 20–40 per square mm, helical thickenings present, perforation plates simple, axial parenchyma rare, scanty paratracheal and vasicentric, rays 1–3 seriate, oil and/or mucilage cells can be seen mainly at the procumbent and marginal ray cells and among the fibers. Rays heterocellular with one (– two) rows of upright and/or square marginal cells (usually oil and mucilage cells). Dried oil cells look like crystals. Septate fibers present (IAWA codes of the description are given in Appendix D).
Plant fossil remain
fossil wood
Names associated with genus
Actinodaphnoxylon zileensis Akkemik et Mantz. in Akkemik, Mantzouka, Tunç & Koçbulut 2021
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