Lacinipetalum Jud, Gandolfo, A.Iglesias et Wilf
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN001734
Authors: N. A. Jud, M. A. Gandolfo, A. Iglesias & P. Wilf
Rank: genus
Reference for this name: Jud, N. A., Gandolfo, M. A., Iglesias, A. & Wilf, P. (2018): Fossil flowers from the early Palaeocene of Patagonia, Argentina, with affinity to Schizomerieae (Cunoniaceae). – Annals of Botany 121(3): 431–442.
Page of description: 433
Lacinipetalum spectabilum Jud, Gandolfo, A.Iglesias et Wilf
Original diagnosis/description
Flowers pedicellate, 8- to 10-merous, actinomorphic, perfect; hypanthium palletiform; sepals lanceolate, inserted at the margin of the hypanthium; petals flabellate, laciniate, and equal or longer than the sepals; petal incision varies from ternate to twice ternate; apices of the petal lobes acute; anthers dorsifixed, versatile, about as long as wide, with two pollen sacs, and with a connective extension that is shorter than the length of the pollen sacs; pollen grains tricolporate, prolate, isopolar; exine homogeneous, punctate; gynoecium superior and syncarpous with two or four erect and free stylodia; ovary pubescent; floral disc filling the hypanthium.
The genus is named for the laciniate petals.
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
Names associated with genus
Lacinipetalum spectabilum Jud, Gandolfo, A.Iglesias et Wilf 2018
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