Angustisulcites T.Freud.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN001783


Author: T. Freudenthal

Rank: genus

Reference for this name: Freudenthal, T. (1964): Palaeobotany of the Mesophytic I. Palynology of Lower Triassic Rock Salt, Hengelo, The Netherlands. – Acta Botanica Neerlandica 13(2): 209–236., link

Page of description: 222


Original diagnosis/description

Bisaccate pollen grains with round central body. Bladders as big as or bigger than central body, proximally attached at equator and not equatorially interconnected. The straight bladder bases are unthickened and distally enclose a narrow deep sulcus.

Plant fossil remain

pollen and spores

Names associated with genus


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