Nilssonia mirovanae Čep. et J.Kvaček
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN001825
Authors: J. Čepičková & J. Kvaček
Rank: species
Reference for this name: Čepičková, J. & Kvaček, J. (2020): Two cycads Nilssonia mirovanae sp. nov. and Pseudoctenis babinensis J.Kvaček from the Cenomanian of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic) as indicators of water stress in the palaeoenvironment. – Fossil Imprint 76(2): 315–324.
Page of description: 317
Illustrations or figures: pl. 2, figs 1–9
Holotype F 4698, National Museum, Prague, the Czech Republic
Figures: pl. 2, figs 1–9
Original diagnosis/description
Isolated strap-like entire-margined pinna fragment, venation running parallel to pinna margin, veins simple. Pinna hypostomatic, adaxial cuticle bearing elongate, rectangular ordinary cells, straight to slightly wavy anticlinal walls. Each ordinary cell bearing a pronounced ridge in its central part. Abaxial cuticle consisting of costal and intercostal zones, costal zones built by elongate, rectangular ordinary cells of the same type as those on the adaxial side; intercostal zones consisting of isodiametric to shortly elongate ordinary cells. Stomata, arranged in rows, haplocheilic surrounded with 4–6 (7) subsidiary cells each bearing a papilla, overhanging the stomatal pit; guard cells sunken. Stomatal axes orientated parallel to pinna margin. Ledges of dorsal thickenings of guard cells pronounced.
The generic name is derived from the name of Jaromír (Miro) Váňa, who collected plant fossils in Pecínov quarry during his long-term service for the National Museum.
Cretaceous, Upper Cretaceous, Cenomanian
Peruc-Korycany Formation, unit 1
Czech Republic
Pecínov quarry, 50 km west of Prague
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood - gymnosperm
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