Trapa kvacekii Wójcicki et D.Velitzelos

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN001935


Authors: J. J. Wójcicki & D. Velitzelos

Rank: species

Reference for this name: Wójcicki, J. J. & Velitzelos, D. (2007): Trapa kvacekii (Trapaceae), a remarkable new fossil species from the late Miocene of Greece. – Acta Palaeobotanica 47(2): 419–424., link

Page of description: 422

Illustrations or figures: figs 2A–D, 3A–I


Holotype DHGPA L/Tr/1, Department of Historical Geology and Palaeontology, Athens University, Athens, Greece
Figures: figs 2A, 3A

Note: Paratypes: DHGPA L/Tr/2 (figs 2C, 3B), L/Tr/5 (figs 2B, 3D); KRAM-P 249 (fig. 3C).
[KRAM-P: Palaeobotanical Museum of the W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland]

Original diagnosis/description

Large fruits, oblong-triangular in outline, with two pairs of solid horns; fruit 31–41 mm high (including neck), width of fruit at upper horns 40–55 mm; fruit about 1.3 times as wide as high; fruit head pronounced, 8–10 mm long, its upper end situated below the line joining the bases of the upper horns, bearing a well-developed neck usually somewhat narrowing towards the apex; neck 3–4 mm long and 3.5–5.0 mm broad, slightly protruding beyond the line joining the bases of the upper horns, corona lacking; apical aperture with a ring of upward-pointing hairs; surface of fruit head and neck finely ribbed; upper horns triangular in outline, (14) 16–22 mm long, at least slightly raised at the base, gradually attenuating into straight, elongate, thin, spine-like tips, ascending (50°–65°), with a smooth surface except for poorly marked, at least 6 mm long, retrorsely barbed spines (harpoons); presence of mat areas excluded; lower horns narrowly triangular in outline, up to 14 mm long, and about 8 mm wide at the base, at least slightly retrorse, straight or with gently upward-pointing apical part, inserted usually 3/5 to 3/4 the distance from the base of the fruit; the frame of the fruit well developed; on the fruit frame between the bases of the upper and lower horns, solid, probably conical (truncate?) tubercles developed, traces of their bases up to 4 mm in diameter; lower part of the fruit body obtriangular in outline, truncate at the base, its surface (on one side only) covered with fi ve protruding longitudinal ribs; fruit base with a smooth ring, up to 3 mm high; basal scar probably up to 3 mm in diameter.


Named after the eminent Czech palaeobotanist Professor Zlatko Kvaček in recognition of his contribution to Tertiary palaeobotany.


Neogene, Miocene
Yellowish diatomite, late Miocene


Erosion exposed slope in a valley between Likudi and Kleisura near Elassona, Thessalia ("Likudi 5" according
to Velitzelos & Gregor 1986).

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood


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