Momordiocarpon deccanii R.N.Deshmukh et Kokate
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN001977
Authors: R. N. Deshmukh & P. S. Kokate
Rank: species
Genus: Momordiocarpon R.N.Deshmukh et Kokate
Reference for this name: Deshmukh, R. N. & Kokate, P. S. (2019): Momordiocarpon deccanii gen. et sp. nov. A petrified berry fruit form the Deccan Intertrappean Beds of Mohagaonkalan, Chindwara District, Madhya Pradesh, India. – Bioscience Discovery 10(1): 5–9., link
Page of description: 7
Illustrations or figures: text-figs 1–5, plate figs 1–6
Name is type for
Momordiocarpon R.N.Deshmukh et Kokate 2019
Holotype MOH/RND/DICOT/FRUIT –I, Department of Botany, Shri Shivaji College, Akola, India
Figures: text-figs 1–5, plate figs 1–6
Note: New species based on one specimen.
Original diagnosis/description
The fruit is cut in transverse plane at its upper side and longitudinal along, it’s basal side (plate Fig.1; text Fig. 3). The oblique longitudinal serial sections of the fruit shows that it is ellipsoidal in shape, globular and fleshy in nature. It measures 4.5 cm in length and 2.29 cm in breadth, with well-preserved unilocular fossil fruit having spiny out growth on pericarp. (Plate Fig.1, Text Fig. 3). The fruit is sessile. Fruit is broadly divided into fruit wall i.e. Pericarp. And the central pulpy part. Pericarp is Echinate i.e. covered by Spine at some part of fruit which is very interesting feature of fruit.
Measuring range from 3.3 mm in thickness and 2 mm in breadth in thickness .Anatomical details of the fruit are as follows.
Pericarp of the fruit is multilayered and differentiated into epicarp, mesocarp and endocarp. The pericarp is well preserved with spiny out growth. (Plate Fig. 2; Text Fig. 4). It is measured 3.3mm in thickness and 2mm in breath.(Plate fig.2 and text fig.1)
Epicarp is outer most layer of berry fruit. It is formed of compact parenchyma cells with wavy in outline0.133 mm thickness and each cell varies from about 9.65 μm and 6.61 μm (Plate Fig.2; Text Fig. 3) in size.
Mesocarp is the middle and broadest zone of pericarp, 165 μm up to 237 μm in thickness, made up of rectangular, thin walled parenchymatous cells, each cell varies from 0.161 μm to 0.169 μm in size. It is fleshy and Colossal, also refers to as the flesh of the Berry fruit. Mesocarp is fibrous in nature. Epicarp and mesocarp forms external out-growths at places forming ridges and furrows of the pericarp (Plate Fig. 1; Text Fig.2; Fig 5). Mesocarp consist of horizontally greater depth due to an air cavities at lower side of fossil fruit. An air cavities are measured about 0.33 mm up to 0.99 mm in thickness.
Endocarp is innermost layer of the pericarp consisting of thick wall compactly arranged cells. The seeds are not well preserved. It is measured about 165 μm in thickness. The central cavity of fruit might be pulpy in nature, as the cells are highly thin walled. . Each cell is measured about 66 μm up to 96.3 μm varies in size.Embryo is well preserved (Plate Fig. 3; Text Fig.5).
...and species [name] deccanii after the deccan bed of India.
Cretaceous, Upper Cretaceous
Deccan Intertrappean bed
Mohagaonkalan, district Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
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