Douropteris alvarezii P.Correia, Šimůnek, C.J.Cleal et A.A.Sá

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000195


Authors: P. Correia, Z. Šimůnek, C. J. Cleal & A. A. Sá

Rank: species

Genus: Douropteris P.Correia, Šimůnek, C.J.Cleal et A.A.Sá

Reference: Correia, P., Šimůnek, Z., Cleal, C. J. & Sá, A. A. (2018): Douropteris alvarezii gen. nov., sp. nov., a new medullosalean pteridosperm from the Late Pennsylvanian of Portugal. – Geological Journal 2018: 1–11 (of Early view).

Page of description: [3 of 11 of Early view]

Illustrations or figures: figs 3-5

Name is type for

Douropteris P.Correia, Šimůnek, C.J.Cleal et A.A.Sá 2018


Holotype UP‐MHNFCP‐154066, Museum of Natural History and Science of the University of the Porto (UP-MHNFCP), Porto, Portugal
Figures: figs 3a (photo), 5a (drawing)

Note: Paratypes: UP‐MHNFCP‐154074, UP‐MHNFCP‐154075, UP‐MHNFCP‐154076, UP‐MHNFCP‐154077, UP‐MHNFCP‐154078, UP‐MHNFCP‐154079, UP‐MHNFCP‐154082, UPMHNFCP‐154083, UP‐MHNFCP‐154084, UP‐MHNFCP‐154087, and UP‐MHNFCP‐154761 (figs 3b–f and 4).

Original diagnosis/description

Pinnules large and lobate to small and non‐lobed, spaced and marginally non‐decurrent, and slightly retracted at the base, with a roundedobtuse apex. Lobate pinnules with slightly asymmetrical margins bearing 4–8 rounded lobes generally poorly developed; presence of a prominent (well‐developed) basal lobe. Midvein very broad and basally decurrent, particularly well‐pronounced at the base, with a small attenuation at the pinnule apex. Lateral veins very irregular and strong, closely spaced with a vein density of 25 to 30 in average, and generally dichotomous, divided once to twice (or to rarely thrice), with three to four ramified veins entering each lobe of lobate pinnules.


The specific name “alvarezii” that honours the American geologist Walter Alvarez, from the Earth and Planetary Science Department at the University of California, Berkeley (USA), for the discovery of the iridium anomaly at the Cretaceous‐Paleogene (or Cretaceous‐Tertiary) boundary.


Carboniferous, Pennsylvanian, Gzhelian
Compressed and laminated shales (H6 horizon; Figure 2) rich in fossil plant and animal remains. Early Gzhelian (early Stephanian C), Late Pennsylvanian.


São Pedro da Cova region, Douro Basin, north‐western Portugal

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood



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