Powhatania connata Balthazar, P.R.Crane, K.R.Pedersen et E.M.Friis
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002012
Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:2012
Authors: M. von Balthazar, P. R. Crane, K. R. Pedersen & E. M. Friis
Rank: species
Genus: Powhatania Balthazar, P.R.Crane, K.R.Pedersen et E.M.Friis
Reference for this name: von Balthazar, M., Crane, P. R., Pedersen, K. R. & Friis, E. M. (2011): New flowers of Laurales from the Early Cretaceous (Early to Middle Albian) of eastern North America. in Wanntorp, L., Ronse De Craene, L. P. (eds): Flowers on the Tree of Life. Cambridge University Press: 49–87.
Page of description: 59
Illustrations or figures: figs 3.5, 3.6C
Name is type for
Powhatania Balthazar, P.R.Crane, K.R.Pedersen et E.M.Friis 2011
Holotype PP43735, Paleobotanical Collections, Department of Geology, The Field Museum, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Figures: figs 3.5, 3.6C
Original diagnosis/description
Flowers small (presumed actinomor phic). Perianth of three broad outer tepals and at least three narrow inner tepals (details of their arrangement unclear). Androecium of at least three stamens or staminodes (only filaments/filament bases preserved) and six stalked nectariferous structures. Arrangement of androecial organs in groups of three with the central filament base opposite each outer perianth organ, flanked by two associated stalked nectariferous structures. Filaments and nectariferous structures fused to the perianth base. Stamens with long and thin filaments (anthers not preserved). Nectariferous structures with short stalks and a peltate or semi-peltate head.
Latin connatus for united/fused, referring to the union of perianth organs and stamens.
Cretaceous, Lower Cretaceous, Albian
Patapsco Formation, Potomac Group (Basal part of Subzone IIB, Early-Middle Albian)
United States
Puddledock locality, Tarmac Lone Star Industries sand and gravel pit, located south of Richmond and east of the Appomattox River in Prince George County, Virginia
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
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