Lusicarpus planatus K.R.Pedersen, Balthazar, P.R.Crane et E.M.Friis

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002032


Authors: K. R. Pedersen, M. von Balthazar, P. R. Crane & E. M. Friis

Rank: species

Genus: Lusicarpus K.R.Pedersen, Balthazar, P.R.Crane et E.M.Friis

Reference for this name: Pedersen, K. R., von Balthazar, M., Crane, P. R. & Friis, E. M. (2007): Early Cretaceous floral structures and in situ tricolpate-striate pollen: New early eudicots from Portugal. – Grana 46(3): 176–196.

Page of description: 183

Illustrations or figures: figs 5, 6

Name is type for

Lusicarpus K.R.Pedersen, Balthazar, P.R.Crane et E.M.Friis 2007


Holotype S101305, Palaeobotanical Collections, Department of Palaeobiology, the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden
Figures: fig. 5

Note: Holotype from the sample Vale de Agua 141.

Paratypes: S153149 (sample Vale de Agua 329), S153156 (sample Vale Agua 328), S153518 (sample Vale de Aqua 19).

Original diagnosis/description

Gynoecium bicarpellate, syncarpous, hypogynous and shortly stalked, supported by a narrow elongated bract. Gynoecium flattened dorsi-ventrally with a rounded base. Carpels united for most of their length. Styles two, short and stout, bent outwards in anthetic flowers. Stigma double-crested, not distinctly papillate and covered by secretion. Pollen grains adhering to stigma tricolpate and striate.
Carpels united up to about 4/5 of their length. Gynoecium wall glabrous. Stigmatic regions along ca 2/3 of the length of styles. Tricolpate striate pollen adhering to stigmatic surface similar to in situ pollen of Lusistemon striatus.


Referring to the flat shape of the gynoecium.


Cretaceous, Lower Cretaceous
"Complexos gresosos de Nazaré e de Cós-Juncal" – basal part (Famalicão Member) of the Figueira da Foz Formation (late Aptian or early Albian)


Clay pit complex near the village of Vale de Agua, western Portugal (39°37′15″N, 8°51′30″W)

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood


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