Aguacarpus K.R.Pedersen, Balthazar, P.R.Crane et E.M.Friis

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002037


Authors: K. R. Pedersen, M. von Balthazar, P. R. Crane & E. M. Friis

Rank: genus

Reference for this name: Pedersen, K. R., von Balthazar, M., Crane, P. R. & Friis, E. M. (2007): Early Cretaceous floral structures and in situ tricolpate-striate pollen: New early eudicots from Portugal. – Grana 46(3): 176–196.

Page of description: 188


Aguacarpus hirsutus K.R.Pedersen, Balthazar, P.R.Crane et E.M.Friis

Original diagnosis/description

Gynoecium tricarpellate, syncarpous, and hypogynous, borne on a short stalk. Carpels united for almost their entire length. Ovary triangular in cross-section. Styles three, short, and stout. Stigma double-crested, papillate, and secretory, extending for the full length of the ventral suture; stigmatic papillae long, multicellular, covered with remains of secretion.


From Vale de Agua, the locality where the fossils were found, and karpos (gr. fruit).

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood

Names associated with genus

Aguacarpus hirsutus K.R.Pedersen, Balthazar, P.R.Crane et E.M.Friis 2007


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