Quercoxylon yaltirikii Akkemik
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002210
Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:2210
Author: Ü. Akkemik
Rank: species
Reference for this name: Akkemik, Ü. (2021): A re-examination of the angiosperm wood record from the early and middle Miocene of Turkey, and new species descriptions. – Acta Palaeobotanica 61(1): 42–94.
Page of description: 56
Illustrations or figures: pl. 6
Holotype INL09, Department of Forest Botany, Faculty of Forestry, Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Istanbul, Turkey
Figures: pl. 6
Note: Holotype: Three thin sections of specimen INL09.
Original diagnosis/description
Growth ring boundaries distinct and semi-ring-porous or almost ring-porous. Vessel tangential diameter 82(22–182) μm, radial diameter 109 (33–206) μm (Acarca Bayam et al., 2018); vessels exclusively solitary (90% or more) and with thick and circular walls. Tyloses very common in wider vessels (Pl. 6A, B). Large multiseriate rays clearly seen with the naked eye. Well preserved axial parenchyma clearly visible, arranged in short tangential bands in single rows (Pl. 6A, B). Ray number 4–6 per mm of two distinct sizes. Narrow uniseriate and biseriate rays measure 334 (110–805) μm by 14 (4–26) μm in width; large multiseriate rays range from 10 to 25 cells, or 258 (67–411) μm in width by >1 mm in height (Acarca Bayam et al., 2018) (Pl. 6C). Crystals very common in enlarged and not enlarged cells of axial parenchyma and rays, and also found in chambered cells. Some axial parenchyma cells rather enlarged in radial section (Pl. 6D, E). Perforation plates simple (Pl. 6F). All ray cells procumbent and heterocellular, with 1–2 rows of vertical or square marginal cells (Pl. 6D, G).
The epithet “yaltirikii” honours the late Prof. Dr. Faik Yaltırık, eminent botanist and leading authority on Turkish oak species, who worked in the Department of Forest Botany, Faculty of Forestry, Istanbul University.
Neogene, Miocene
Hançili Formation, early Miocene
Beypazarı-Inozu valley (north side)
Plant fossil remain
fossil wood
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