Prunoidoxylon prunoides Akkemik

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002213


Author: Ü. Akkemik

Rank: species

Reference for this name: Akkemik, Ü. (2021): A re-examination of the angiosperm wood record from the early and middle Miocene of Turkey, and new species descriptions. – Acta Palaeobotanica 61(1): 42–94.

Page of description: 10

Illustrations or figures: pls 13, 14


Holotype MEN31, Department of Forest Botany, Faculty of Forestry, Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Istanbul, Turkey
Figures: pls 13, 14

Note: Holotype: Three thin sections of specimen MEN31.

Original diagnosis/description

Wood ring-porous with distinct growth ring boundaries. Tangential and radial diameter of vessels 55 (32–75) μm and 82 (33–136) μm in earlywood, 22 (8–43) μm and 30 (15–50) μm in latewood (Acarca Bayam et al., 2018). Vessels generally solitary, rarely in groups of 2–3 cells. Vessel frequency 40–100 per mm2 (Pl. 13A, B). Axial parenchyma present, scanty paratracheal, in marginal or apparently marginal bands (Pl. 13C). Rays of two distinct sizes, as 1–2 rows and 4–10 rows. Larger rays generally wide, 7 (5–8) cells wide, longer rays more than 1 mm high, narrow rays uniseriate (very rarely biseriate). Number of rays 4–12 per mm (Acarca Bayam et al., 2018) (Pl. 13D, E). Rays heterocellular with procumbent body ray cells and one or more rows of upright and/or square marginal cells (Pl. 14A, C, E). Perforation plates simple (Pl. 14B). Prismatic crystals present in rays (Pl. 14C). Intervessel pits alternate (Pl. 14D) or rarely slightly opposite.

PFNR Administrator note: mm2 to be read as square mm (our text box does not allow upper index).


The epithet “prunoides” refers to the wood of the holotype, which has typical features of the genus Prunus L.


Neogene, Miocene
Hançili Formation, early Miocene


Mençeler Plateau, Beypazarı city, Ankara Province

Plant fossil remain

fossil wood


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