Psilophyton arcuatum (T.Halle) H.-J.Schweitz.

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000229


Author: H. J. Schweitzer

Rank: species

Basionym: Dawsonites arcuatus T.Halle

Reference for this name: Schweitzer, H. -J. (1980): Die Gattungen Renalia Gensel und Psilophyton Dawson im Unterdevon des Rheinlandes. – Bonner Paläobotanische Mitteilungen 6: 1–34.

Page of description: 22

Types for basionym

Syntype n/n
Figures: pl. 3, figs 1–9, pl. 4, figs 18–21

Note: Except the figured specimens from Röragen, several other specimens described in previous publications by different authors are assigned by Halle (1916: 24–25) to his new species. As no type is designated, all specimens, figured and unfigured, must be treated as syntypes.

Original diagnosis/description

Sporangium-bearing branch-systems, dividing dichotomously, or differentiated into a sympodially formed main axis and bifurcating lateral branches. Ultimate branches slender and curved, bearing terminal capsules of a narrowly obovoid or short fusiform shape and usually 3–5 mm. long.


Devonian, Lower Devonian


sandstones and slates at Röragen

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood


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