Zamuneria L.C.A.Martínez, A.Iglesias et Artabe in Martínez, Iglesias, Artabe, Varela & Apesteguía
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002385
Authors: L. C. A. Martínez, A. Iglesias & A. E. E. Artabe
Rank: genus
Reference for this name: Martínez, L. C. A., Iglesias, A., Artabe, A. E. E., Varela, A. N. & Apesteguía, S. (2017): A new Encephalarteae trunk (Cycadales) from the Cretaceous of Patagonia (Mata Amarilla Formation, Austral Basin), Argentina. – Cretaceous Research 72: 81–94., link
Page of description: 83
Zamuneria amyla L.C.A.Martínez, A.Iglesias et Artabe in Martínez, Iglesias, Artabe, Varela & Apesteguía
Original diagnosis/description
Columnar, polyxylic stem, covered by persistent rhomboidal leaf bases and cataphylls. Parenchymatous central pith with mucilage canals, idioblasts and medullary vascular bundles. Cylindrical vascular system centrifugal, with many rings of manoxylic secondary xylem and phloem, containing primary and secondary rays. Primary rays with leaf traces and a mucilage canal associated. Parenchymatous cortex with mucilage canals, idioblasts and girdling leaf traces in the cortex.
The genus honours the late Dr. Alba B. Zamuner, an Argentinian palaeobotanist who passed away in 2012, and who made significant contributions to our knowledge of fossil floras from Argentina. She was one of the leaders of the expedition in which this fossil was discovered.
Plant fossil remain
fossil wood
Names associated with genus
Zamuneria amyla L.C.A.Martínez, A.Iglesias et Artabe in Martínez, Iglesias, Artabe, Varela & Apesteguía 2017
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