Watsoniocladus cunhae J.Kvaček et M.M.Mendes
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002410
Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:2410
Authors: J. Kvaček & M. M. Mendes
Rank: species
Genus: Watsoniocladus V.Sriniv.
Reference for this name: Kvaček, J. & Mendes, M. M. (2021): New Cheirolepidiaceae conifer Watsoniocladus cunhae sp. nov. from the Early Cretaceous (late Aptian–early Albian) of western Portugal. 295: 104519 (11 pp.).
Page of description: 3
Illustrations or figures: pls I–VI
Holotype P0590, Geological Museum of Lisbon, Portugal
Figures: pls I, II
Note: Holotype originates from Catefica sample 334.
Paratypes: P0552 (Catefica Sample 335), P0553 (Catefica Sample 335), P0656a, b (Catefica Sample 346), P0657a, b (Catefica Sample 346), P0659a, b (Catefica Sample 356), all housed in Geological Museum of Lisbon, Portugal.
Original diagnosis/description
Shoots bearing leaves decussately arranged. Leaves of the same shape and similar size. Leaves scale-like, s-shaped, entire margined, falcate, showing inconspicuous keel, with short decurrent base and acute to bluntly pointed apex. Terminal parts of apices bear papillae that are sometime larger in marginal parts. Leaves amphistomatic; stomata on adaxial surface irregularly arranged or forming short ill-defined rows surrounded by 4–6 subsidiary cells. Stomata on adaxial cuticle in ill-defined rows or oriented irregularly abaxial stomata on abaxial side, usually arranged in short rows. Stomata on both surfaces surrounded typically by four or five, rarely six subsidiary cells, each cell bearing a large papilla. Papillae placed in the stomatal mouth or slightly deeper form a star-like pattern of the stomatal cavity. Ordinary cells tetragonal to polygonalwith periclinalwall smooth, on abaxial side in terminal parts of leaves, each ordinary cell bearing papilla.
In honor of Professor Pedro Proença e Cunha for his contribution to the study of the Early Cretaceous stratigraphy in Portugal.
Cretaceous, Lower Cretaceous
Almargem Formation (late Aptian–early Albian)
Catefica outcrop section, Estremadura region, Lusitanian Basin, western Portugal (39° 03′ 14.4″ N; 09° 14′ 24.1W)
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
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