Jayantisporites conatus Lele et Makada
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002483
Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:2483
Authors: K. M. Lele & R. Makada
Rank: species
Genus: Jayantisporites Lele et Makada
Reference for this name: Lele, K. M. & Makada, R. (1972): Studies in the Talchir Flora of India – 7. Palynology of the Talchir Formation from Jayanti Coalfield, Bihar. – Geophytology 2(1): 41–73., link
Page of description: 50
Illustrations or figures: text-fig. 8, 8A, pl. 1, figs 17–21
Other combinations
Cristatisporites conatus (Lele et Makada) Kavali, Anirb.Roy, M.M.di Pasquo, Gurum., Gau.Sharma et Ajit Kumar 2021 nom. inval.
Holotype 4266, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences, Lucknow, India
Figures: pl. 1, fig. 17
Original diagnosis/description
Miospores traingular to subtriangular, 55–70 × 50–70 μ in size; trilete mark distinct, rays reaching spore equator; exine proximally laevigate to infrapunctate, distal ornament ranging from broad-based conate to verrucose processess, often bearing fine apical point (Pl. 1, Fig. 19; Text-fig. 8), size of elements 3–5 μ long and 5–8 μ broad, basal confluence of processess well marked forming thick ridges and ± complete reticulum (Pl. 1, Fig. 17); pseudozona imperfect (Pl. 1, Fig. 18), 30–50 elements along spore equator. The tetrads (Pl. 1. Fig. 21; Text-fig. 8A) have relatively smaller elements.
Talchir Formation, late Paleozoic
Patharjore Nala, Jayanti Coalfield, Bihar
Plant fossil remain
pollen and spores
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