Williamsonia durikaiensis McLoughlin, C.Pott et Sobbe

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000247

Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:247

Authors: S. McLoughlin, C. Pott & I. H. Sobbe

Rank: species

Reference for this name: McLoughlin, S., Pott, C. & Sobbe, I. H. (2018): The diversity of Australian Mesozoic bennettitopsid reproductive organs. – Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 98(1): 71–95.

Page of description: 77

Illustrations or figures: figs 3a, e, j–l, 4a–f


Holotype QMF55954, Queensland Museum, Australia
Figures: fig. 3a

Original diagnosis/description

Small Williamsonia with an ovoid receptacle surrounded by an inner whorl of slender lanceolate bracts; outer whorls of bracts stout with possibly hirsute margins. Receptacle terminal on branch. Immature flowers with tightly appressed and laterally abutting slender bracts forming a pyriform sheath around receptacle.


After the type formation.


undifferentiated Marburg Subgroup; Pliensbachian–Aalenian


Outcrop 300 m east of Durikai Siding, 35 km west of Warwick, southern Queensland

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood


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