Cupressinocladus Seward
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002617
Author: A. C. Seward
Rank: genus
Reference for this name: Seward, A. C. (1919): Fossil Plants. A text-book for students of botany and geology. Volume IV: Ginkgoales, Coniferales, Gnetales. Cambridge University Press: xvi + 543 pp..
Page of description: 303
Original diagnosis/description
Goeppert's term Cupressites[3] is retained for fossils which there is reason for associating with Cupressus and should not be employed in a wider sense. Bowerbank[1] adopted the form Cupressinites for some fossil cones from the London Clay in order to avoid the implication of affinity only to Cupressus which is suggested by Cupressites. This generic name would be convenient for Cupressineous branches had it not been restricted in the first instance to cones : to avoid the revival of a term and its employment in a new sense it is proposed to adopt the name Cupressinocladus for vegetative shoots agreeing in the habit of branching and in the predominance of a decussate arrangement of appressed leaves with recent Cupressineae such as Cupressus, Thuya, Libocedrus and similar types. When cones are present which throw any light on generic affinity some other term should be adopted. It will, however, be found in practice that the choice of the most appropriate name is exceedingly difficult; and no sharp line can be drawn between certain specimens which conform in part to Cupressinocladus and in part to the characters of Brachyphyllum.
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
Names associated with genus
Cupressinocladus itieri (Saporta) Barale 1981
Cupressinocladus crassirameus Zheng Y.Cao 1989
Cupressinocladus borealis (Casp. et R.Klebs) Sadowski, A.R.Schmidt et L.Kunzmann 2022
Cupressinocladus breynianus (Göpp. et Berendt) Sadowski, A.R.Schmidt et L.Kunzmann 2022
Cupressinocladus kleinianus (Göpp. et Berendt) Sadowski, A.R.Schmidt et L.Kunzmann 2022
Cupressinocladus lamelliformis (Casp.) Sadowski, A.R.Schmidt et L.Kunzmann 2022
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