Cupressinocladus breynianus (Göpp. et Berendt) Sadowski, A.R.Schmidt et L.Kunzmann

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002622


Authors: E. M. Sadowski, A. R. Schmidt & L. Kunzmann

Rank: species

Basionym: Thuites breynianus Göpp. et Berendt

Genus: Cupressinocladus Seward

Reference for this name: Sadowski, E. M., Schmidt, A. R. & Kunzmann, L. (2022): The hyperdiverse conifer flora of the Baltic amber forest. – Palaeontographica, Abt. B 304(1–4): 1–148.

Page of description: 21

Types for basionym

Holotype MB.Pb.1979/0505, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany
Figures: pl. V, figs 4, 5

Note: Inventory number according to Sadowski et al (2022). The holotype refigured by Sadowski et al. (2022: fig. 5A, B, I–M).

Epitype MB.Pb.1979/0515, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany
designated in Sadowski, E. M., Schmidt, A. R. & Kunzmann, L. (2022): The hyperdiverse conifer flora of the Baltic amber forest. – Palaeontographica, Abt. B, Paläophytol. 304(1–4): 1–148. on page 21
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002626
Figures: Text-fig. 4

Original diagnosis/description

Th. ramulis ancipitibus erectis subcompressis, foliis quadrifariam imbricatis oblongis rhomboideis adpressis integris medio carinatis acutiusculis.

Emended diagnosis

Sadowski et al. (2022: 21):
Planate sprays, leaves scalelike, imbricate, decussate, dimorphic. Facial leaves widely rhombic to rhombic or elliptic, appressed, with acute-obtuse apices occasionally overlapping the base of the subsequent facial leaf. Lateral leaves ovate to triangular or lanceolate, mostly longer than facial leaves, spreading or appressed, juncture line between adjacent laterals visible or covered by facial leaf, the apex of laterals rounded and finely mucronate. Leaf margins pectinate with papillae, mostly located along the entire margins. Stomata inconspicuous on both sides of the spray, only located at the bases of leaves or absent. Leaves amphistomatic; adaxial stomata of facial and lateral leaves in two bands, located on each side of the longitudinal midline, separated by a stomata-free midline, stomata within a band in irregular rows, parallel to the midline; abaxial side of facial and lateral leaves stomata-free or stomata in two small patches on each side of the midline, located at the bases of leaves, within a patch in groups or short rows, patches without a specific shape. Stomatal complexes monocyclic, 4 –7 subsidiary cells, with lobed, steep and interrupted Florin rings, round to elliptic papillae distributed on subsidiary cells and neighbouring ordinary epidermal cells of the stomatal bands and patches. Ordinary epidermal cells rectangular, polygonal or squared in shape, forming regular longitudinal rows, cell walls straight.


Stratigraphy according to Sadowski et al. (2022). It ranges from the Lutetian to upper Oligocene.


Russian Federation
The holotype comes from the Berendt collection of Baltic Amber, most probably Samland Peninsula, Russia (Sadowski et al. 2022), but the precise locality of the holotype is unknown.

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood


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