Hopenium tertiarum N.Awasthi, R.C.Mehrotra et Anum.Shukla
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000263
Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:263
Authors: N. Awasthi, R. C. Mehrotra & A. Shukla
Rank: species
Reference for this name: Awasthi, N., Mehrotra, R. C. & Shukla, A. (2018): Some new fossil woods from the Cuddalore Sandstone of south India. – The Palaeobotanist 67(1): 33–46., link
Page of description: 36
Illustrations or figures: pl. 1.1–5, pl. 2.1–5
Holotype 41588, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences, Lucknow, India
Figures: pl. 1.1–5, pl. 2.1–5
Note: Only one specimen is assigned to the new species ("As the present fossil wood is different from the known fossil woods of Hopea, it is described with a new specific name, Hopenium tertiarum Awasthi et al., sp. nov."), so all figures represent holotype, although it is not specified.
Original diagnosis/description
Wood diffuse–porous. Growth rings absent. Vessels small to medium, tangential diameter range 90–160 μm, mean 130 μm, mostly solitary, rarely in radial pairs, mostly oval in shape, sometimes compressed to various shapes, evenly distributed, occasionally tylosed; vessel elements range 440–580 μm, mean 513 μm, with oblique to horizontal ends, storied at places; perforations simple; intervessel pits poorly preserved, bordered, alternate, seemingly vestured. Vasicentric tracheids present. Axial parenchyma paratracheal and apotracheal, paratracheal parenchyma intermingled with vasicentric tracheids, forming 1–4 celled sheath around the vessels; apotracheal parenchyma diffuse and in the form of tangential bands enclosing gum canals; parenchyma strands storied; cells thin walled. Rays 1–4 (mostly 3–4) seriate, uniseriates rare, multiseriates up to 100 cells or > 2 mm high and 51–72 μm wide, heterocellular, crystalliferous upright cells interspersed among the procumbent cells all along the rays; tangential height of procumbent and upright or square cells 16–29 μm and 31–86 μm respectively. Fibres thick–walled and non–septate. Gum canals normal, vertical, mostly aligned in tangential rows and enclosed in parenchyma bands, sometimes solitary also, circular to oval, small to very small, 38–85 μm in diameter.
Cuddalore Sandstone Formation, Late Miocene–early Pliocene
Murattandichavadi near Puducherry, Villupuram District, Tamil Nadu
Plant fossil remain
fossil wood
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