Cretaceoxylon Pujana in Pujana, Iglesias, Raffi & Olivero

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002660


Author: R. R. Pujana

Rank: genus

Reference for this name: Pujana, R. R., Iglesias, A., Raffi, M. E. & Olivero, E. B. (2018): Angiosperm fossil woods from the Upper Cretaceous of Western Antarctica (Santa Marta Formation). – Cretaceous Research 90: 349–362.

Page of description: 357


Cretaceoxylon heteropunctatum Pujana in Pujana, Iglesias, Raffi & Olivero

Original diagnosis/description

Secondary xylem. Vessels solitary or in short radial multiples. Perforation plates simple and scalariform. Rays multiseriate, heterocellular. Vessel-ray parenchyma pits of two types. Axial parenchyma present.


Cretaceo after the age of the holder sediments, xylon, wood.

Plant fossil remain

fossil wood

Names associated with genus

Cretaceoxylon heteropunctatum Pujana in Pujana, Iglesias, Raffi & Olivero 2018


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