Wataria K.Terada et Mits.Suzuki
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002694
Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:2694
Authors: K. Terada & M. Suzuki
Rank: genus
Reference for this name: Terada, K. & Suzuki, M. (1998): Revision of the so-called ‘Reevesia’ fossil woods from the Tertiary in Japan – a proposal of the new genus Wataria (Sterculiaceae). – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 103(3–4): 235–251., link
Page of description: 238
Original diagnosis/description
Wood distinctly ring porous with wide vessels at beginning of growth rings in cross section. Growth rings distinct. Wide vessels in early wood mostly solitary, round. Narrow vessels in late wood solitary, and in groups of 2–5 with vasicentric parenchyma; very thick-walled. Vessel elements short; perforation plates exclusively simple; intertracheary pitting alternate; helical thickenings absent; thin-walled tyloses often present in wide vessels; gum-like deposits rarely present in narrow vessels. Axial parenchyma abundant, apotracheal and para-tracheal; apotracheal in uni- or biseriate tangential bands alternating with 1–3 rows of fibers in latewood; paratracheal abundant, vasicentric forming 1–3-seriate sheath; conspicuously storied; fusiform and in strands of 2–10 cells or more; crystals absent. Rays heterocellular; uni- or multiseriate. Multiseriate rays 2–10-seriate, composed of tile cells and procumbent cells. Tile cells Pterospermum type or intermediate to the Durio type; brown-colored substances rarely observed in the tile cells; crystals rarely present.
The genus Wataria is named for the late Dr. Shunji Watari for his pioneer work on this taxon.
Plant fossil remain
fossil wood
Names associated with genus
Wataria yunnanica Yan-Jie Li et Oskolski in Li, Oskolski, Jacques & Zhou 2015
Wataria kvacekii E.A.Wheeler et Manchester 2022
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