Mirovia Reyman.
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002730
Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:2730
Author: M. Reymanówna
Rank: genus
Reference for this name: Reymanówna, M. (1985): Mirovia szaferi gen. et sp. nov. (Ginkgoales) from the Jurassic of the Kraków Region, Poland. – Acta Palaeobotanica 25(1–2): 3–12., link
Page of description: 4
Mirovia szaferi Reyman.
Original diagnosis/description
Leaves small, approximately linear, apex broadly rounded; basis tapering towards very short petiole ending with an abscission scar, margin entire. Leaves polymorphic, consisting of dorsiventral, bilateral and intermediate forms. Filiform resin ducts, usually two, present.
Cuticle as a rule thick, composed of longitudinal rows of quadrangular cells with approximately straight walls. One stomatal strip with stomata arranged longitudinally. Stomata consisting of raised subsidiary cells and depressed guard cells showing strongly cutinized outer walls and walls abuting on subsidiary cells.
From the locality Mirów.
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
Names associated with genus
Mirovia szaferi Reyman. 1985
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