Fagus langevinii Manchester et R.M.Dillhoff

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002734

Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:2734

Authors: S. R. Manchester & R. M. Dillhoff

Rank: species

Reference for this name: Manchester, S. R. & Dillhoff, R. M. (2004): Fagus (Fagaceae) fruits, foliage, and pollen from the Middle Eocene of Pacific Northwestern North America. – Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 1509–1517.

Page of description: 1510

Illustrations or figures: figs 1–4


Holotype UWBM 97583, Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
Figures: fig. 1A

Note: Paratypes: UWBM 7433, 97584–97589, UCC F349 (cupules), UWBM 97603, 97590, 97591 (nuts), UWBM 97598 (twig bearing leaves), UWBM 97592–97597, 97599–97602, UF 26087, 42584, 42585 (leaves), housed in the Burke Museum (UWBM), Seattle, Washington, University College of the Cariboo, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada (UCC), and the Florida Museum of Natural History (UF), Gainesville, Florida.

Original diagnosis/description

Pedunculate cupules. Cupule ovate, composed of four ovate valves fully enclosing two trigonal nuts. External surface with spiny appendages occasionally bifurcate near tip. Peduncle long (up to 2.5 times as long as the cupule), thickened near junction with cupule. Nuts triangular in cross section, ovate, elliptical, to obovate in face view, with a narrow wing or flange developed along the three angles of the nut. Sepals arising from apex of nut and surrounding the three styles.


This species is named to honor David Langevin whose love of the McAbee site has lead to the discovery and conservation of numerous important fossil specimens.


Paleogene, Eocene
middle Eocene


McAbee locality, situated at N50°47.818′ W121°08.568′ near the town of Cache Creek, British Columbia

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood


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