Wataria yunnanica Yan-Jie Li et Oskolski in Li, Oskolski, Jacques & Zhou
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002735
Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:2735
Authors: Y. J. Li & A. A. Oskolski
Rank: species
Genus: Wataria K.Terada et Mits.Suzuki
Reference for this name: Li, Y. J., Oskolski, A. A., Jacques, F. M. B. & Zhou, Z. K. (2015): New middle Miocene fossil wood of Wataria (Malvaceae) from Southwest China. – IAWA Journal 36(3): 345–357.
Page of description: 349
Illustrations or figures: figs 3, 4
Holotype SL002, The Herbarium of Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, China
Figures: figs 3, 4
Original diagnosis/description
Wood ring-porous. Earlywood vessels wide (tangential diameter can exceed 200 μm), mostly solitary, whereas the latewood vessels mostly in groups. Vessel element length averages < 350 μm. Perforation plates are exclusively simple. Intervessel pits alternate, minute. Helical thickenings absent on vessel walls. Axial parenchyma fusiform and in strands, occasionally storied. Prismatic crystals rare, present in axial parenchyma cells and ray cells. Rays heterocellular, 1–12 cells wide, uniseriate rays occasionally storied. Tile cells present.
After Yunnan province where the fossil wood was collected.
Neogene, Miocene
Dajie Formation, sand and mudstone group (N13); middle Miocene
Meizi town, Zhenyuan County, Pu’er city, Yunnan Province, Southwest China (101° 09' 49.7" E, 23° 30' 29.1" N)
Plant fossil remain
fossil wood
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