Phoenicopsis chukotkensis Nosova in Nosova, Herman, Grabovskiy & Kostina
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002737
Author: N. V. Nosova
Rank: species
Reference for this name: Nosova, N. V., Herman, Grabovskiy & Kostina (2020): Cretaceous Phoenicopsis Heer (Leptostrobales): A new species and a geological history of the genus. – Cretaceous Research 116: 104578 (16 pp.).
Page of description: 7
Illustrations or figures: figs 3–5
Holotype BIN 1593/21, Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (BIN RAS), Saint Petersburg, Russia
Figures: fig. 3A
Original diagnosis/description
Short shoots bearing linear leaves with 4–8 veins per width of the leaf. Leaves amphistomatic; stomata in rows on one leaf surface and in bands on another one. Anticlinal cell walls straight; most cells of the stomatal bands and rows and some cells of the nonstomatal bands with papillae. Subsidiary cells with proximal papillae, rarely without papillae.
After Chukotka, where the samples were found.
Cretaceous, Upper Cretaceous
Emuneret Formation; SantonianeCampanian
Russian Federation
Enmyvaam River left bank near the Emuneretveem River mouth, Chukotka, Northeastern Russia
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
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