Jayantisporites Lele et Makada

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002749

Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:2749

Authors: K. M. Lele & R. Makada

Rank: genus

Reference: Lele, K. M. & Makada, R. (1972): Studies in the Talchir Flora of India – 7. Palynology of the Talchir Formation from Jayanti Coalfield, Bihar. – Geophytology 2(1): 41–73., link

Page of description: 46


Original diagnosis/description

Size range 50–80 μ; radial triangular to subcircular miospores; trilete mark prominent, rays ± raised, usually reaching spore margin; exine nearly smooth proximally, infrapunctate to infragranulose; distally ornamented with distinct, compound process (bacula, spines, verrucae or coni in different combinations); reduced sculpture of grana, coni or spinules may be interspersed between larger elements; processes strongly tend to fuse in groups through confluence of basal parts forming separate or connected cristate ridges; fusion and overlapping of elements near spore equator may often produce a partial to complete pseudozonate structure; Inner body may develop.

Plant fossil remain

pollen and spores

Names associated with genus


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