Latisphaera wrightii Licari
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN000273
Author: G. R. Licari
Rank: species
Reference for this name: Licari, G. R. (1978): Biogeology of the late pre-Phanerozoic Beck Spring Dolomite of eastern California. – Journal of Paleontology 52(4): 767–792.
Page of description: 785
Illustrations or figures: pl. 2, figs 8, 9
Name is type for
Latisphaera Licari 1978
Holotype n/n, Biogeology Clean Laboratory, University of California, Santa Barbara, California, USA
Figures: pl. 2, fig. 8
Note: Licari (1978): The type speci men is located on thin section C250(1) from the Cloud Collection. Coordinates (15.9, 6.5).
Original diagnosis/description
As for the genus. Table 1 summarizes pertinent morphologic characteristics.
Named for Lauren A. Wright, Professor of Geology, Pennsylvania State University, in honor of his many contributions to the understanding of the stratigraphy and structure of the younger pre-Paleozoic rocks of the southern Death Valley-Kingston Range region.
Proterozoic, Mesoproterozoic
The fossiliferous outcrops occur 2,900 m below the lowest metazoan trace fossils, are younger than 1.7 b.y. and are correlated to the Apache Group of Arizona, bracketed between radiometric ages of 1.2 and 1.4 b.y.
United States
Locality 3 of 8/11/68 – Black laminated chert from partially silicified stromatolites within the top one meter of exposed outcrop of the Beck Spring Dolomite on the north slope of the Kingston Range, south side of road 0.5 km east-southeast of Horse Thief Springs, north-eastern San Bernardino County, California. Unsurveyed NE¼ sec. 2, T19N, R10E, of Horse Thief Springs Quadrangle, California-Nevada (1:62,500). Elevation about 1,344 m.
Plant fossil remain
algae - other
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