Caliciflora E.M.Friis, K.R.Pedersen et P.R.Crane
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002805
Authors: E. M. Friis, K. R. Pedersen & P. R. Crane
Rank: genus
Reference for this name: Friis, E. M., Pedersen, K. R. & Crane, P. R. (2016): The emergence of core eudicots: new floral evidence from the earliest Late Cretaceous. – Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological Sciences 283: 20161325 (9 pp.).
Page of description: 2
Caliciflora mauldiniensis E.M.Friis, K.R.Pedersen et P.R.Crane
Original diagnosis/description
Flower small, sessile, with an associated bract and two prophylls borne on a stout stalk. Staminate and pistillate organs in the same flower. Floral cup distinct. Perianth with five sepals and five petals borne on the rim of the floral cup. Sepals free, thick, with broad base and acute apex; sepal aestivation revolute-valvate. Petals free, broadening distally from a narrower base, keeled, with a thin lamina and median rib; petal aestivation open below, quincuncial above. Indumentum dense on the outer surfaces of the floral cup, sepals and petals composed of interlocking stellate hairs. Stamens in two whorls, minute with dithecate, tetrasporangiate and dorsifixed anthers. Pollen minute, tricolporate, psilate. Orbicules present. Gynoecium trimerous with three free carpels borne on the inside of the floral cup.
Generic name from calice (Latin for cup) and flos (Latin for flower).
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
Names associated with genus
Caliciflora mauldiniensis E.M.Friis, K.R.Pedersen et P.R.Crane 2016
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