Normanthus Schönenb., K.R.Pedersen et E.M.Friis

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002807


Authors: J. Schönenberger, K. R. Pedersen & E. M. Friis

Rank: genus

Reference for this name: Schönenberger, J., Pedersen, K. R. & Friis, E. M. (2001): Normapolles flowers of fagalean affinity from the Late Cretaceous of Portugal. – Plant Systematics and Evolution 226: 205–230., link

Page of description: 225


Normanthus miraensis Schönenb., K.R.Pedersen et E.M.Friis

Original diagnosis/description

Flowers small and sessile, in groups of three in bracteate partial inflorescences, actinomorphic, epigynous, pentamerous; perianth simple, tepals basally united; androecium of 5 stamens, alternating with tepals, anthers basifixed, X-shaped, dithecal, tetrasporangiate, dehiscence longitudinal and latrorse; pollen small, oblate, triangular to sub-circular in equatorial outline, triaperturate, vestibulate, heteropolar, scabrate/microgranulate, exine thick, endexine thin, infratectal layer granular-columellate; gynoecium bicarpellate, syncarpous, inferior; styles elongate, basally united with ventral slits; ovary unilocular, placentation apical (parietal); ovules 1 per carpel, anatropous, integument elongate; young fruit 8-ribbed.


The name Normanthus was chosen because the fossil flowers described in this paper have in situ pollen grains, which belong to is Normapolles complex.

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood

Names associated with genus

Normanthus miraensis Schönenb., K.R.Pedersen et E.M.Friis 2001


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