Mauldinia angustiloba Viehofen, Hartk.-Fröd. et E.M.Friis

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002810


Authors: A. Viehofen, C. Hartkopf-Fröder & E. M. Friis

Rank: species

Genus: Mauldinia Drinnan, P.R.Crane, E.M.Friis et K.R.Pedersen

Reference for this name: Viehofen, A., Hartkopf-Fröder, C. & Friis, E. M. (2008): Inflorescences and flowers of Mauldinia angustiloba sp. nov. (Lauraceae) from middle Cretaceous karst infillings in the Rhenish Massif, Germany. – International Journal of Plant Sciences 169(7): 871–889.

Page of description: 879

Illustrations or figures: figs 2–11


Holotype REM125-1, Geological Survey of North Rhine–Westphalia, Krefeld, Germany
Figures: fig. 3B

Note: Paratypes: SEM preparations: inflorescence axes: REM83-1, REM83-2, REM87-2, REM103-1, REM104-1; isolated lateral units (buds): REM81-3, REM81-4; isolated lateral units without attached flowers: REM79-1, REM80-1, REM81-1, REM82-1, REM84-1, REM102-1, REM104-2, REM104-3, REM122-1, REM123-1, REM125-1; isolated lateral units with attached flowers: REM81-2, REM101-1, REM105-2, REM105-3, REM124-1; isolated flowers: REM78-2, REM78-3, REM78-4, REM78-5, REM78-6, REM84-2, REM84-3, REM84-4, REM87-1, REM100-1, REM100-2, REM100-3, REM100-4, REM100-5, REM100-6, REM100-7, REM105-1, REM105-4, REM105-5, REM126-1, REM127-1, REM128-1, REM129-1, REM130-1, REM130-2, REM130-3, REM130-4, REM131-1, REM132-1, REM133-1, REM133-2, REM133-3, REM133-4, REM133-5, REM133-6, REM134-3, REM135-1, REM135-2, REM135-3, REM135-4, REM135-5; isolated gynoecia: REM109-1, REM109-6, REM134-1, REM134-2; cuticle: REM121-1, REM121-2, REM121-3.

Original diagnosis/description

Inflorescences and flowers with diagnostic features of Mauldinia have the following characteristics: Inflorescence axis with one type of distinct ovate scar from detached lateral units. Inflorescence units supported by a narrow crescentic bract. Lateral inflorescence units glabrous, narrow-ovate in outline; individual lobes of inflorescence units narrowly rectangular to narrowly elliptical with several small, distichous bracts/prophylls. Bracts/prophylls, especially basal ones, robust and massive. Cuticle of bracts/prophylls thick except in apical areas where it is thin; apical cuticle without perforation. Inflorescence units typically with five (sporadically up to nine) flowers in a proximal position, and budlike structures (aborted flowers?) in a distal position. Tepals glabrous; outer tepals short, broadly transversely ovate to triangular; inner tepals longer, lingulate, and carinate. Filaments of third whorl proximally laminar, associated with paired staminal appendages borne on short stalks. Most parts of androecium except anthers and distal part of staminal appendages covered by a dense indumentum of long, simple trichomes. Gynoecium glabrous. Globular resinous bodies densely distributed on the tepals, stamens, staminal appendages, staminodia, and gynoecium.


From the narrow lobes of the inflorescence units.


unnamed karst infilling; mid-Cretaceous


Prangenhaus quarry (fossil site Karstspalte) near Wülfrath, northern rim of the RhenishMassif, Germany; TK 25 4708 Wuppertal-Elberfeld, R [25]70900, H [56]83500, Z +20 m

PFNR administrator note: numbers "[25]" and "[56]" are not in square brackets but as upper indexes in original text.

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood


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