Notonuphar antarctica E.M.Friis, A.Iglesias, Reguero et Mörs

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002816


Authors: E. M. Friis, A. Iglesias, M. A. Reguero & T. Mörs

Rank: species

Genus: Notonuphar E.M.Friis, A.Iglesias, Reguero et Mörs

Reference for this name: Friis, E. M., Iglesias, A., Reguero, M. A. & Mörs, T. (2017): Notonuphar antarctica, an extinct water lily (Nymphaeales) from the Eocene of Antarctica. – Plant Systematics and Evolution 3030: 969–980.

Page of description: 978

Illustrations or figures: figs 2–5

Name is type for

Notonuphar E.M.Friis, A.Iglesias, Reguero et Mörs 2017


Holotype S 174950, Palaeobotanical Collections, Department of Palaeobiology, the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden
Figures: fig. 2a, d

Note: Paratypes: S 174048, S 174049, S 174050–S 174058 (IAA 2/95, Marsupial site).

Original diagnosis/description

Seeds small, anatropous, bitegmic and exotestal, ovoid to ellipsoid, with rounded chalazal end and slightly pointed micropylar end. Lateral raphe indistinct on seed surface, distinct internally, extending in mesotesta from the hilar scar at the germination cap to the chalazal end of the seed. Germination cap with micropyle opening slightly raised and distinct shallow hilar scar close to micropyle. Micropyle and hilum separated by narrow zone of exotestal cells. Exotesta of one layer of high, palisade-shaped sclerenchyma cells with thick cell walls leaving a narrow, elongate lumen; anticlinal walls straight without undulations; facets on outer surface polygonal (pentagonal to hexagonal). Mesotesta of thin-walled parenchyma cells, few cell layers deep, thicker along the raphe and at chalazal and micropylar ends. Seed surface smooth with faint polygonal outlines of the exotestal cells.


From the continent where the fossil seeds were discovered.


Paleogene, Eocene
Cucullaea I Allomember (Telm 5) of the La Meseta Formation


IAA 2/95, Marsupial site, Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula, 64°13′58″S; 56°39′06″W

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood


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