Zeugarocarpus leptoagathus Leng, Schönenb. et E.M.Friis
Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002826
Act LSID: urn:lsid:plantfossilnames.org:act:2826
Authors: Q. Leng, J. Schönenberger & E. M. Friis
Rank: species
Genus: Zeugarocarpus Leng, Schönenb. et E.M.Friis
Reference for this name: Leng, Q., Schönenberger, J. & Friis, E. M. (2005): Late Cretaceous follicular fruits from southern Sweden with systematic affinities to early diverging eudicots. – Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 148(4): 377–407.
Page of description: 386
Illustrations or figures: figs 44–51
Holotype S106133, Palaeobotanical Collections, Department of Palaeobiology, the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden
Figures: figs 44–48, 51
Note: Holotype from sample GI32189.
Original diagnosis/description
Follicle surface glabrous. Seed surface with small, conical or pyramidal, finely sculptured spines.
From Greek referring to the finely sculptured spines on the seed surface.
Cretaceous, Upper Cretaceous
Late Santonian–Early Campanian
Höganäs AB quarry at Åsen, Scania
Plant fossil remain
macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood
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