Mitocarpus elegans Leng, Schönenb. et E.M.Friis

Plant Fossil Names Registry Number: PFN002828


Authors: Q. Leng, J. Schönenberger & E. M. Friis

Rank: species

Genus: Mitocarpus Leng, Schönenb. et E.M.Friis

Reference for this name: Leng, Q., Schönenberger, J. & Friis, E. M. (2005): Late Cretaceous follicular fruits from southern Sweden with systematic affinities to early diverging eudicots. – Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 148(4): 377–407.

Page of description: 388

Illustrations or figures: figs 52–63

Name is type for

Mitocarpus Leng, Schönenb. et E.M.Friis 2005


Original diagnosis/description

Infructescence consisting of a main axis bearing helically arranged lateral subunits. Subunit composed of a pair of follicles supported by a cupshaped median bract, a pair of prophylls and a linear organ in a median abaxial position. Paired follicles with separate bases. Individual follicles narrowly obovoid and astipitate with rounded apex, and almost parallel ventral and dorsal margins. Ventral slit of paired follicles facing infructescence axis, extending for the full length of the follicle and over the topological apex ending in a small beak on the abaxial side. Position of stigma uncertain. Follicle surface smooth to rugulate. Follicle wall served by two lateral bundles.


From Latin referring to the elegant appearance of the follicles.


Cretaceous, Upper Cretaceous
Late Santonian–Early Campanian


Höganäs AB quarry at Åsen, Scania

Plant fossil remain

macro- and meso-fossils-embryophytes except wood


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